monthly inspiration//2


woah two blog posts in week!
its miracle!

so today is going to be my monthly inspiration for April.
and yes, i forgot last months. thats my bad, oops.
but its back, thank goodness 
and without further ado, i give you inspiring images!

i think we can all agree there is a common "tropical" theme going on?

 and also maybe a bit of the whole vintage/french vibe as well?

been really diggin LCs new 'do and have been thinking 
long and hard about cutting my hair short again.

also just a nice quote which i sometimes find myself
 doodling in notebooks during the day :-)

all of these photos can be found on my pinterest here

all in all, i think its going to be a pretty good month dont you think so?
i have so many ideas rattling through my head for the blog, upcoming art projects, and just fun stuff i cant wait to do! 

well i hope this post was as inspiring for you as it was for me and have a spectacular April!
(and remember, april showers bring may flowers !)

ps. happy easter!

1 comment:

  1. These are a great collection!! Thanks for sharing. :)
