sunny days


hey y'all!
today's post is going to be a small collection of photos i took of macey a few days agoduring one of the prettiest days so far htis year. 
to edit them, i tried out a new filter on VSCO cam and it makes them look really moody and im not quite sure if i like it or not? anywhoo, along with the blog post.

i was trying so hard to have her pick flowers and do cutesy girly poses in front of our fence but then i realized that's no fun for a toddler ! but i managed to snap a few shots along the way :-)

i really liked this one. our neighbors porch makes for a great backdrop ;-)

and finally we played with our shadows before the sun went down.


cute lil doods + iphone wallpaper


Hey yall!

today i just wanted to share with you my afternoon project.
its just a couple of lil doodles that remind me on valentines day, and also a free iphone wallpaper! 
yay !

ugh their so cute and girly
and i also made a wallpaper for yah !

download here

toodles !

monthly inspiration / 1


whale hiya !

So ive decided to start posting "monthly inspiration" which is basically going to be a collection of images/quotes/music/ things that inspire me that ive found over the past month. so this is going to be the first of the collection. you can find all of these images on tumblr.

This past month i have had an incredible feeling of wanderlust and looking at all these photos take me somewhere else and temporarily relieve my incredible urge to explore. ive also been itching to make some form of art so, i bought myself some watercolor paints and ive had so much fun expirementing with them. you can bet some of my paintings will be showing up in future posts ;-). well, i hope these images have inspired you as much as they have inspired me and may your February be full of fun and blessings.

Toodles :-)