spring 2015 mix


it seems like it been a while since ive made a mix/playlist for you guys?
actually is HAS been a while since ive made a mix/playlist!
and today that is going to change.

ive been collecting songs that capture the essence of spring this year
and its been a pretty hard task, let me tell you.
but ive narrowed it down to seven.
if you want to listen to my ENTIRE spring playlist, check it out here.

+ im good// the mowglis
+ beach// san cisco
+ 2 heads// coleman hell
+ uma// panama wedding
+ avalanche// walk the moon
+ geronimo// sheppard
+ my weakness// kris allen

just a heads up, this mix may cause uncontrollable dancing.

i am in love with all of this music and i hope you enjoy it as much as i do
 and i also hope it brings you as much happiness as it brought me :-)

monthly inspiration//2


woah two blog posts in week!
its miracle!

so today is going to be my monthly inspiration for April.
and yes, i forgot last months. thats my bad, oops.
but its back, thank goodness 
and without further ado, i give you inspiring images!

i think we can all agree there is a common "tropical" theme going on?

 and also maybe a bit of the whole vintage/french vibe as well?

been really diggin LCs new 'do and have been thinking 
long and hard about cutting my hair short again.

also just a nice quote which i sometimes find myself
 doodling in notebooks during the day :-)

all of these photos can be found on my pinterest here

all in all, i think its going to be a pretty good month dont you think so?
i have so many ideas rattling through my head for the blog, upcoming art projects, and just fun stuff i cant wait to do! 

well i hope this post was as inspiring for you as it was for me and have a spectacular April!
(and remember, april showers bring may flowers !)

ps. happy easter!

as of late


Long time no see? Sorry its been so long. i may or may not have gotten 
caught up in the excitement of life.
Anywho ive slowly grown a collection of "blog-worthy" photos which im going 
to share with you today!

i was so excited when our English class got to go to the Japanese gardens and the rose gardens in march. it was gorgeous and our guides were great. they pointed out things that i never would have noticed before and i absolutely loved how they gave every aspect of the gardens a story.

its o-FISH-al, im in love with the koi ponds!

got this really pretty shot of Portland on the bus ride there

i recently challenged myself to be creative in some form every day this month. here are some of my favorites so far!

these are probably my favorite pictures ever of macey. the lighting, and the colors, but her smile just really put the cherry on top.

also just a random photo showcasing an ootd :-)
